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"Every child deserves a champion—an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection and insists that they become the best that they can possibly be."

– Rita Pierson

Science project
Recess play
Student practicing math

PHCS is hiring teachers who are passionate about educating, equipping, and empowering middle school and high school students in a small-group setting (max of 8-12 students). 


But be warned! There are many unusual, yet historically proven conditions you would encounter should you get the job:


     * The students will capture your heart. Guaranteed. 

     * The families of PHCS will support you and each other.

     * The church community where PHCS meets (Calvary Baptist Church) goes above and beyond to encourage and support, even though PHCS is not "affiliated" with them. 

     * When your students get the giggles, you'll probably get them too.

     * You get to speak into your students' identities as beloved children of God. 

     * You will have shorter school days (8:30-2:00) than most schools.

     * You will have access to all the curriculum PHCS already has AND a budget so you can completely tailor each student's learning style and interests.

     * You get to reward students' academic successes, outstanding helpfulness and service, and bonus work with Monopoly dollars. (They love this.)

     * "School uniforms" might mean wrapping a blanket burrito-style around the body. (This is the case for both students and teachers. Slippers may also be involved.) 

     * You get to have a daily, consistent, direct impact on the lives of tweens and teens by modeling, coaching, encouraging, and loving them for who they are and who they are becoming.

     * You'll get hooked on figuring out the very best methods and curriculum for your students' successes. (Your best ideas might come at 4 AM.)

     * Your students will teach you the latest popular vernacular and which words/phrases should not be used by teachers. (For example, "bruh" is off-limits for teachers, while "bro" is okay, and "LOL" can be texted but not spoken.)  LOL!

     * You get to provide opportunities for high schoolers to explore future career options and decide if they'd like to pursue them or not.

     * As you continue to share daily experiences, you'll gain a storehouse of inside jokes with your students.

     * You will get to use all the systems already in place at PHCS while also having freedom to bring or develop your own.

     * You will get unlimited professional, emotional, and spiritual support for all things school-related. 

     * Your partnership with your students' parents and the relationships you develop with each student may cause you to feel like they are your own kids even though they leave at 2:00 each day.

Student presentation

If these unusual"warnings" sound good to you, click below to pursue your next steps in becoming part of what God is doing in the lives of some awesome young people at PowerHouse Christian School.   

Solo work at school
PowerHouse Christian School
Art class
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